Hi, I’m Lisa!

Here’s a bit about me and my story.


Although I look back on my childhood and consider myself a “natural born yogi” as I would naturally get into yoga poses as a child, I was intimidated when it came to going to an actual yoga class as an adult.

Even when I overcame my group class anxiety, I found myself sometimes in pain after intense classes where I was too afraid to ask for help or even have knowledge of more appropriate modifications. I thought, “Surely, this isn’t how I should be feeling after an embodiment practice”, which inspired me to quit my full-time sales job and pursue yoga teacher training in Chiang Mai, Thailand in 2018. 

I wanted to learn how to safely practice yoga but still hadn’t put much thought into actually teaching. 

What I gained in my 200 hour training was invaluable. I learned that due to having hyperextension of my joints (a completely natural and common phenomenon) I was more prone to injury within this practice.

Through my professional instruction and continued experience, I realized that the world needed more yoga instructors with knowledge of sustainable and safe ways to practice.

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This later led me to pursue my 90 minute Thai Massage training in 2019 at Thai Massage School of Thailand in Chiang Mai to learn safe and simple adjustments that I could use in my yoga classes to help students get deeper into poses without injury.

My goal as a yoga teacher is to inspire students to have the confidence to attend any yoga or group fitness class with the awareness of what will benefit their mind, body, and spirit.

I seek to empower students to know their own personal limits and lovingly push them without force, never comparing themselves to others or giving into demands that go past their boundaries.

A solid yoga practice is about striving to be better than you were yesterday, which is an ever-changing and fluid process of patience, grace, and compassion with self.

My passion around yoga grows more and more deeply each year. In 2020 I received a 25 hour certification in targeted flexibility training (also known as Gravity Yoga™ as instructed by Lucas Rockwood).

Being naturally flexible, this class has given me the best insight into how to help others gain the mobility I already possess not only to improve their daily yoga practices, but also to improve their daily lives and overcome tightness and pain. This is my absolute favorite class to teach because of the quick and positive results I experience with my students!

I also received my sound healing certification in 2020 and absolutely love assisting my students into a relaxed state of consciousness to receive the benefits these sessions have on mind, body, and spirit.

As we enter into a new year, I plan to add more offerings of individualized yoga trapeze classes and become a facilitator in a one month brain rewiring program called “The Self-Study”. 

I appreciate you taking the time to read about my passions and hope that this inspires you to try out an alignment session that suits your needs!

With grace, love, and compassion,

Lisa Jean